Dr Fiona Lewis is a Speech-Language Pathologist from the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland. She has been researching language development in children following treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) since 2008.
Fiona is keen to hear of the experiences and opinions of parents of children treated for ALL between the ages of 2-5 years. These children can now be aged up to 16 years.
Fiona would also like to hear from children and adolescents currently aged 12-16 years who were treated for ALL between the ages of 2-5 years.
The information Fiona is after will be gained through the completion of a brief questionnaire/survey (15 -20 minutes for a parent to complete; 10 minutes for an older child/adolescent aged 12-16 years to complete) which can be sent by email or by reply-paid post.
Parent questions relate to the development of speech, language and social/play activities before, during and after treatment. In the older child/adolescent, the questions relate to current speech, language and social/play activities.
Fiona has ethical approval from the Behavioural & Social Sciences Ethical Review Committee at The University of Queensland to undertake the study.
Please contact Fiona (f.lewis@uq.edu.au or phone 3365 6087) for further information on the research or how to be involved in completing the questionnaire/survey.
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